Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Busy One

I know I've looked forward to Tyler reaching the typical milestones all infants and toddlers encounter in the first year or so of life (yes, we're still waiting for the first steps), but he is one BUSY BOY.

I can't leave any bathroom door open...what is it with the fascination with the toilet?!

I'm finally okay with him on the stairs, I had to be...he kept getting through the barricades. Although, he does fall down a few steps every once in a while.

Kenzie is very good to play with him, unless she's busy playing a certain "roleplay." It's obvious when he's not invited...she migrates herself and her toys into the spare room and closes the door.

I have a very short time limit when loading the dishwasher. When Tyler sees it open it's GO time for me. He loves to climb up into the dishwasher or take things out as I put them in.

He also loves the sippy cup drawer. I don't know if he's just practicing drinking out of the lids or if he's wishfully thinking there was something to drink.

The drawers under the oven with the baking dishes...loves those too. The other morning I came down the stairs after getting ready (Kenzie was looking after Tyler) and two of my glass pyrex dishes were in the living room and two metal dishes. Kenzie made sure to declare that "Tyler did it." (I had no doubt!)

Tyler loves music. The other day he discovered one of those plastic accordion straws for water bottles. He entertained himself quite well with the whistle it makes and danced along to his own music. Any time he hears music is a reason to "dance."

As far as walking goes...I can't convince him to take any steps alone. He'll push chairs around the kitchen. He'll push the office chair around the house. He'll push laundry baskets or anything else that can get him from Point A to Point B on his feet but not on his own. I know he'll get the walking thing down...eventually, but in the meantime, he keeps me hopping.


April Showers said...

He'll get the walking down, Audrey was 18 months before she'd even attempt to take a step! You've got a beautiful family!!

Kathryn S. said...

Well, what a cutie keeping you on your toes!