Thursday, August 27, 2009

Little Ballerina

Kenzie is the one in the middle -- no skirt

Mackenzie started ballet last Thursday and I think she loves it. She looked so cute in her little tights, leotard, and ballet shoes with her hair back in a bun. Last week it was very difficult to really peek in and look at her because I had two boys with me. I was exhausted after class last week and I didn't even dance. Mackenzie is in class with three little cousins, Audrey, Jill, and Reece. That makes it fun for her but I think it complicates things a bit for the moms until we start carpooling. Audrey and Reece have big brothers, Jack and Garrett, and they are best buddies with Grant. I don't know if that takes any more explaining... 2- 5 year old boys and 1- 6 year old boy in a dance studio?!

But that's not all. In addition to that I have a 1 year old that doesn't walk yet but LOVES to explore and get into things. He doesn't want to be held anymore. He wants to crawl or walk along chairs, furniture, etc. We did take a little break to go walk around the Farmer's Market. Ballet class is only 45 minutes so it's not really worth the drive home and back. And if parking wasn't so crazy I would have considered it. This Thursday, however, was the last week of Farmer's Market for the summer, so thank goodness parking will be available again. This week worked out very nicely because Talmage was able to come right after his soccer game and take our boys home so I could stay and peek in on Kenzie a little more. It was so much easier to watch! Last week I had my camera but didn't take very many good pictures; hard to hold a camera steady while holding a squirmy little boy. Kenzie tries really hard and sits very still and quietly when waiting for her turn across the floor.
Teacher Leslie

Teacher Lauren

It's hard to believe I'm taking my own little girl to dance. Valley Oak School of Dance is the same dance studio I went to as a young girl and danced with for 12 years. Teacher Leslie was my teacher since I started. There was a bit of reminissing as I walked out of the studio with my little dancer. The class after Mackenzie's is the advanced ballet with the oldest girls dancing pointe. Those girls look so young! It doesn't seem that long ago that I was in their shoes, yet it feels like forever. I so enjoyed my years of dancing. My senior year I helped teach a few classes just like Kenzie's "Teacher Lauren." The memories... Those little girls are so cute and say and do the funniest things.
Kenzie and her cousin Jill

Earlier in the day before Kenzie's ballet class, I asked her to tell me her 3 favorite things to do. This is what she said.
1. Play
2. Ballet
3. Get Rocks
She actually added get married at the end, but I'll let her add that to her list when she's about 25. On a side note, she did tell a little boy her age that she's going to marry him. It left him speechless (and I'm sure very confused). She also tells me that she's going to be Minnie Mouse when she grows up. I would be okay with that. She'll probably be short enough. As far as getting rocks...I'm not sure where that comes from? She is a little girly but she likes to play in the dirt and collect rocks. Every time we're at the ranch she comes home with a few. That's my little ballerina.
A very small portion of her rock collection. Yes, just normal, find-in-the-driveway rocks.

**By the way...I almost didn't post any pictures when I saw how BLURRY they were. I can take pictures that aren't blurry but just not while holding a little boy. My dinky little camera doesn't help either.


Amy said...

LOve this post. Loved the Rocks. that is so great!

Kathryn S. said...

Oh my goodness, she is such a little doll! That'll be a recital worth attending!!!