Monday, January 12, 2009


I don't know what I was thinking! Peas?!

(Darling little face isn't it!?)

Tyler has been eating baby cereal with applesauce on occassion without any problems. He would take a bottle with formula without worrying too much about it. But then I had to go and throw things off by feeding him peas! His face was priceless! Why didn't I have the camera ready? Because he's the third child! Been there done that. Not that we don't care about the third child, I mean Tyler, but just that we're busy trying to get our other two kids to eat that we don't think about getting out a video camera. I do feel bad that I don't have any videos of Tyler. Our video camera is 10 years old and doesn't do so well but I'm also out of 8mm tapes for it. Talmage and I have talked about getting a new one but it's just another expensive thing that we want but really don't NEED.

Back to the peas... I know I should have started off with something tasty and sweet like bananas or peaches or sweet potatoes or even green beans! I just was trying to introduce the healthy green vegetable... Now Tyler makes quite the face anytime I try to give him cereal or any kind of baby food and now even bottles. I really messed up! Poor kid even makes a face with a clean spoon. This will take some time for him to forgive me and forget that awful taste but I'll be persisitent. As for now and for entertainment is a little video of his refusal for a clean spoon.


Mommy Madness said...

That's SO FUNNY!! Lexie hates Peas, too. Fortunately, she will take just about anything else... except a bottle. Baby expressions are priceless.

We have a really old video camera, too, but lately, I've just been using the video feature on my digital camera and it is so much easier than the 8mm to download.

jennsekona said...

that is too funny! i loved it- good mom though, teach them to like the nasty stuff before the yummy

Katie said...

That's hilarious, I had my husband come over to the computer to watch it. What a priceless face!

the Bachlers said...

I'm so glad he will still take his pacifier. Whew. I thought he might not let anything in his mouth. Funny, funny video