Monday, February 9, 2009

Bedtime stories

Grant missed his second day of school. I know it's just kindergarten...maybe it's because I hated missing school. He's actually feeling much better today but not well enough to go to school or have Kenzie's play group here today. Grant is such a good kid. I've been thinking for a while how good he is to put up with sharing rooms. He used to be in the same room with Tyler, but since we've been trying to let Tyler sleep through the night his crying wakes Grant up. So over Christmas break we moved Grant's mattress into Kenzie's room. They loved it but when school started again I thought it best for him to go back to his room. He's back in Kenzie's room again...Tyler still wakes up at least once. This time Grant just has a little bed made of Kenzie's pink blankets in her PINK room. He doesn't complain. In fact I think he enjoys sleeping in the same room with her. The other night they were telling each other their "dreams" for SO long. Their "dreams" are just little stories from their imaginations. I know they can't recall their real dreams THAT well. It's really cute listening to them talk.

I remember when I was little there was something almost magical about going to bed. Jenn and I used to play "dates." Thinking back it doesn't seem like it could be as much fun as it really was. Our little imaginations would take us on weird little advendtures. We had made up names. We created cool inventions to help us get ready for our "dates." We even pretended to be different animals. I don't remember how old we were or how long it continued but it's something I don't think I'll ever forget. It was so much fun sharing a room. Of course times we were supposed to be sleeping and got caught because we were talking too loud are times I won't forget either. I remember one time we were supposed to be taking a nap before our aunt's wedding reception. I can so vividly picture laying on my bed and looking up at my dress hanging from the curtain rod. I LOVED that dress. It was purple with pink and white little flowers on it and had a lace slip that hung down lower than the dress. It also had pink pearls that went with it. I remember Jenn and I were talking or playing or jumping on our beds instead of sleeping and my dad came in and scolded us. I think to scare us into sleep he opened the door with a little more force than intended and sent the door knob into the wall. I remember thinking how mad he was but now that I have kids... I understand. I sometimes try to put more of a serious tone to things and it comes out a little more harsh than expected. Of course I'm not strong enough to send a doorknob through a wall but I now understand the intention behind the force. I also remember a time Jenn and I were in trouble because we hadn't cleaned our room but it was time to go to bed so we would have to do it tomorrow. Sneaky us cleaned our room using a flashlight. I remember feeling so excited for our parents to see how clean our room was in the morning. I'm so glad I got to share a room with Jenn. I don't think we had much of a choice but I'm glad I have such good memories.

Of course Grant and Kenzie can't share a room forever, or even too much longer, but I'm glad they have a special little bond as siblings and as friends.


jennsekona said...

good times good times those were so fun! endless adventures sharing a room, and like you, I love the bond my children share, silly little monkeys. sorry to hear that granty is feeling under the weather again...hope he feels better soon!

Jake and Emily Hutchings Family said...

i loved sharing a room, but my sisters were always older than me and made me scratch their backs every night--it was torture!