Thursday, March 5, 2009

The late bloomer

Everyone develops at different rates... I just expected my kids to be a little more similar on their developmental learning. Tyler has definitely been the late bloomer in the family. I'm not sure if I just spoil him more...or if he's just a more needy baby...or what?? I have found that he's just a little more difficult than I've heard other 3rd children to be. He's just as sweet as can be and LOVES his MOM more than words can express...but I keep waiting for him to "catch up" to his brother and sister. Grant was crawling at 6 months. I know because I looked it up in his baby book. Those were the days when I was really good at writing everything down because I only had one child. Tyler is 8 months and I think I can finally write in his baby book that he can sit without support longer than 5 seconds. He CAN roll over...sometimes...but doesn't really chose to do so. Of course Grant and Kenzie were rolling all over the place by 4-5 months.

I don't want to sound like I'm complaining but I don't really consider it bragging either. Some kids are walking by 8 months and I'm glad that Tyler is not. I really am so grateful to have a HEALTHY and mostly HAPPY baby. Sure I wished he slept through the night! But that will come, I think.


Mommy Madness said...

I COMPLETELY understand. Lexie was quite a bit behind her sisters with crawling and rolling over. She FINALLY started crawling at 9 1/2 months. Now she's ALL over the place. I partially blame the delay on her sisters who are constantly in her face or picking her up. The only thing I can say Lexie is doing better that her sisters struggled with at this age is sleeping through the night. She started doing it when we went to Puerto Rico and is still doing GREAT! (Knock on wood!)

Laura said...

I am with you. My littler Parker didn't walk until he was 20 months! That is almost 2 years old!!! He was a big chicken and still is. It is kind of funny now, but it was frustrating at the time.