Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our almost family trip

We almost made it. Not to Utah, but we almost made it to Nevada before turning around to come home. Car problems? Of course not. I just took the car in to get all checked out before our trip to Utah and ended up getting a new belt, oil changed, new TIRES and alignment. There was no way our car was going to be the reason we didn't make it to Utah. It was the kids. I'll back up a bit...
Thursday May 21st was Grant's last day of school. It was my week to drive and being the last day I thought I would walk Grant up to his classroom. He had a tough time, for some reason??, on Wednesday so he actually asked if I would walk him to class. I didn't mind. But as we were walking up to the entrance of the school he started saying his stomach hurt. I didn't want him to miss his last day of school so I insisted he would be fine and go have a fun last day. I picked him up that day and everything was just fine. He was happy. (This picture was taken as we left school). That afternoon he was playing like usual and watched a movie. On Friday I had made plans to go with my mom to Modesto. Grant wasn't too eager to go because he said his stomach was hurting again. He didn't have a fever. He wasn't throwing up, so I just thought we would go run our errands anyway. He seemed more tired than usual so he took turns with Kenzie in the stroller. That afternoon some little bumps appeared on his face but were gone within a few hours. That evening we went to a high school graduation gathering and my sister Cortney asked what bit him because he had bumps on his back and legs and arms. Weird. Later that night they were all gone. Saturday I was helping my mom with a wedding while Talmage had the not so fortunate privilege of washing our comforter, sheets, blankets, etc from our bed after Grant threw up on them. Sunday he was feeling a bit better. Monday a lot better. Tuesday Grant was back to normal. Wednesday...Kenzie got sick. Poor girl couldn't keep anything down. We expected Kenzie to be feeling better by Friday but she still couldn't eat or drink anything and keep it down. We figured she would be feeling better on Saturday for sure so we packed up the car and left around 2:00 on Friday afternoon. We had planned to stay somewhere along the way to break up the trip for all of us. Poor Kenzie was a good sport and just slept. Grant watched a few movies but asked every so often if we were there yet. We had driven about 2 1/2 hours...probably closer to 3 because of traffic in Sacramento...and Tyler threw up. Talmage and I looked at each other as if expecting the other to make THE decision. Do we keep going and hope for the best? Is Tyler just car sick? It wouldn't be the FIRST time we had a child get sick driving that road. Or had Tyler finally gotten the BUG? We were planning on going to see my sister Jenn and her family in Orem for a few days. Talmage was going to speak and present one of his past Scouts with his Eagle. We were going to visit his grandparents in Orem. I was going to meet up with one of my dear old roommates Bree whom I haven't seen in 7 years. We were going to take the kids around BYU. We were going up to Layton to see Talmage's three brothers, their wives, and our two new little nieces. We planned on going to the Oquirrh Temple open house. Talmage wanted to tour the Real Salt Lake Soccer stadium. We hoped to take the kids to the Ogden Tree House. We actually had THINGS we were going to do. Neither one of us wanted to MAKE the decision. We both really wanted to go. No, the drive wasn't enticing, but the end result was going to be so worth it. With one little girl still not feeling well and a little boy covered in stuff we knew what we had to do. Much to OUR disappointment we headed back down the mountains and home. We didn't want to tell Grant but when we got to Escalon and he asked if we were there yet we told him to look out the window and see if he knew where we were. When we told him we were just going back home because Tyler was sick and Kenzie was still not feeling well, he let his disappointment be known. Poor kid C R I E D. He wanted to go to Mason's (Jenn and Sipa's) house SO BAD. We tried to cheer him up with ideas of what we'll do this week instead but NOTHING was working. It takes a lot to pack up a family of 5 for a week long vacation so I was disappointed once again when we had to UNPACK the same day. At least everything was still folded nicely and smelled clean...well all except Tyler's clothes he was wearing.

Our home: Point A. Our desired stopping place: Point C. Our clean up and turn around stop: Point B. At least we didn't get TOO far. We probably wouldn't have turned around if we had gotten much further. Although, for a health report... Kenzie hasn't thrown up since Friday but she's hardly been able to leave the couch. This has really hit her HARD. Tyler has thrown up several more times so at least we know it's not just car sickness. Poor kids! Not just 24-hour flu...this thing won't go away!! Looking on the bright side...the weather is supposed to be pretty nice this week so maybe we'll finally put grass in our backyard!


Melissa (Murdoch) McKinley said...

oh, sad!! hopefully you'll get to go back and do all that fun stuff you had planned. and i hope you're all feeling better soon!

jennsekona said...

we were very very sad too! at least we'll be out in a couple weeks to play for at least a good 2 weeks! glad your babies are finally feeling better!