Friday, September 12, 2008


What a fun day! Made me almost wish I could be out there running with the kids. 1:00 in the afternoon on a pretty warm day. Aren't the kindergartners so cute. They're all standing so straight in their line just like the teacher told them to do.

Kenzie and Tyler were good sports to come watch their big brother. Kenzie wanted to run on the field until the big kids came out and started running. Tyler preferred to just sleep in the stroller. I was very lucky that he slept the whole time. We found a nice spot in the shade to park the stroller but Kenzie didn't sit long.
Where's Waldo? Just look in the middle of the line for a cute little short boy with tall white socks on. What a cute kid!
Go Grant go! It was fun to watch him go around and around. The little kindegartners were on the inside track so it was hard to see them from the sidelines. I heard they were pretty strict about who they would allow on the field. But thanks to a cunning mom I have a few pictures of the action. (Thanks Tennille!)
When I couldn't see Grant running around this is where he would hide out. Get a nice drink of water and eat some oranges. I don't blame was pretty warm out. I wonder what he's saying to Max Palmer. I think it's cute to hear what kids talk about. I remember feeling so big when I was in school, but looking at Grant I feel like he's so young. So young to be able to talk to friends about real "stuff." I wonder what I used to talk about... 27 LAPS! Way to go Grant!
What a cute group of kids. I think this was while the jog a thon was still going. Shade...Oranges...Friends...Good choice! Ashlynn Leibenson, Grant, Kennedy Marler, Tyce & Corbin Kerr.

Nice red cheeks.

I wonder where he gets it?

There's nothing wrong with getting a little red in the face. I managed to do quite well adding color to my face. And if you don't get enough red in your face from running...go for the Icee Juicee method.

I didn't know they still made those things (Icee Juicee's). I remember that being my favorite thing after the jog a thon. I was a little disappointed they didn't have the fire truck out to spray everyone when it was over. Grant did a great job that day and I was proud of him for asking people to sponsor him. He earned $125 for the school.

1 comment:

Amy said...

What a good runner!!!! He is awesome! $125 that is amazing! Loved the blast from the past pics! Too funny!!!!