Thursday, August 7, 2008

He's going back for more

Grant loved his first day of school. The first thing he made sure to tell me was that he had snack. Important things first! He's a boy and didn't divulge much information until I pried it out of him at dinner. I had to ask him step by step what happened and what he did. I was impressed he remembered at which table he sat as well as where all of his friends sat. He is a very smart and observant boy. He has a great memory for little details. Another important thing he told me was that he gets to go back tomorrow (today). After day 2 he is still having fun but keeping a lot of the secrets to himself.
I am so proud of what a good boy he is. In his Father's blessing it was noted several times about reaching out and being a friend to those that are lonely as well as being a helper to his teacher. I know he will be. He is so sensitive and caring. We are lucky to have such a sweet boy in our home.

1 comment:

Katie said...

Oh, how sweet! All I know is that Grant who wouldn't say much, but was so cute he'd draw all of the attention from the girls in the dorms. He really is getting big fast!