Monday, August 18, 2008

What a reunion!

So, we had our 10 year class reunion on Saturday night. I was really glad we went and I look forward to the next one, although I hope to be a part of the planning committee next time. It was fun to see everyone although there were a lot of people I was surprised were not there, and the food was good. We could have done without the entertainment, or at least a shortened version of the entertainment. No, we could have done without the entertainment entirely. There was a hypnotist show for our entertainment and I'm sure he does a great show, it was just the wrong idea for a class reunion. The participants were willing to give it a try but no one was really hypnotized. After about an hour I was wondering if this guy was planning on going all night! It just got to be too long and he lost the audience after about 15 minutes. I think people just wanted to visit and socialize. Of course we didn't stay too long after the show got over. We had three little kids at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Two of them were probably as content as could be, and Tyler was really happy and content too after his second bottle, but we didn't feel like we needed to stay any longer. Although I did hear it got better. Once the music and dancing started I'm sure it was a lot more fun. But I'm also glad we didn't stay to see how drunk some people could get. Talmage and I left realizing we want to help plan the next. There were several things we would have done or suggested. For one, the class president has a photography business so her husband was taking pictures the whole evening. Maybe they did after we left but I thought it would have been great to take a picture of all of the class of '98 that was there. Second, I would have tried to get more information about what people are doing now whether they were able to make the reunion or not. Have a wall with postings and pictures. They did have one poster board that had pictures, but it would have been nice to see more. And lastly, it was nice that there was something thought of for entertainment but something more involved would have been better. Talmage suggested a Mentalist show. He has a good friend that does it and when I saw him "perform" it was amazing. Very interesting and intriguing. Also a slideshow would have been so much fun. Overall it was fun and we're glad we went. It won't stop us from going to the next one, but made us realize we want to be involved for the next one. And to think that for the next one I won't have a 6 week old baby!

1 comment:

the Bachlers said...

You HOPE you won't have a six week old baby at your next reunion!!!