Friday, August 8, 2008

Mother of 3!

So today was one of those crazy days having 3 kids. Grant was invited to Garrett's birthday party this afternoon and with Grant in school it's not as easy to pick any time of the day to go to the store. I knew I would just have to pick something out without Grant. The new balancing act is time. I wanted to leave right after I fed Tyler so he wouldn't be fussy and I knew I had to be back in time to get Grant from school. Well things never work out exactly as planned. I didn't leave until 30 minutes after originally planned because Tyler wanted to eat again. Then I had to fill up on gas. Tyler cried the whole way to the store and luckily stopped crying when we got there. Then Kenzie told me that her tummy hurt because she had to go potty. I just tried to hurry through the store before Tyler woke up and told Kenzie to just hold it and we would go really fast. Amazingly enough we were all loaded back in the car when my little alarm went off for my time limit in the store. That's a first! I usually take so long because I love to browse...and I really wanted to but knew I had a little girl that needed to go potty and a little boy that needed to be picked up from kindergarten and another little boy that was sleeping soundly and I didn't want to chance him waking up. We made it home in plenty of time and Tyler stayed asleep even on our way to and from getting Grant. Kenzie went to the bathroom when we got home. And we were early picking up Grant. I was feeling pretty proud of myself for getting everything done and keeping everyone happy until Grant told me that Garrett already has the books I picked out. I guess you just can't get it all right!

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