Thursday, September 11, 2008

My first Apple Pie

I've never made apple pie before. What am I saying...I've never made any kind of pie before. I think about the things I wish I knew how to do or the things I wish I would teach myself but that's about as far as it goes...I just think about it. Well today I actually made myself do it.

I think part of the reason I never have attempted to make a pie before is the fact that I don't really like pie. I prefer desserts with a little more, no a lot more chocolate or ice cream to them. I see so many women whom I admire so much because of the skills they teach their children at such a young age. Canning...Sewing...Gardening...Baking...etc. Real womanly things. I don't do any of those things. I take that back; I'll bake cookies with the kids, but that's about it.

I remember when I was growing up my mom would make us clothes and while she was at it, she would make matching clothes for our dolls. My Cabbage Patch doll even had a swimsuit! My mom also canned and made freezer jam and baked pies and all sorts of real mom things. So today I decided was my day to at least give it a valiant effort. Kenzie and I made an Apple Pie.

She was a great helper. It of course isn't recommended to sit on your work space in the kitchen but the table gives us the most space and since the health code officers weren't coming to my house today I just let it slide. It wasn't the prettiest pie and the dough didn't turn out like I've seen and sampled my mom's pie dough, but it worked.

Caramel Cinnamon Graham Apple Pie, with Caramel Pecan Cream. This was a recipe I got from Eleace about 2 years ago after a demonstration she did. Her pie tasted a lot better than mine but who's surprised?! I also went without the Caramel and the Caramel Pecan Cream. Probably would have made a difference. BUT, this was not a disappointment at ALL. I actually was quite pleased with myself.

For my first pie it was quite delicious. I'm not about to enter any baking contests or open my own bakery but I felt the great satisfaction of accomplishment. And what's even better, I got it in the oven, the kitchen all cleaned up with dishes done before Tyler woke up and before we had to go get Grant. Yay for me! I wonder what the next "mom" thing to attempt will be. Any suggestions??


Amy said...

that looks awesome! Great job Kelly!

Priamos Family said...

I didn't make my first pie until a couple years ago when I realized apple pie was Chris' favorite dessert in the whole wide world and what he would prefer to have on his birthday. And it was actually really fun! I think your pie looks great!

For your next adventure- do some freezer jam (very easy) or some steam canning because it doesn't require a pressure cooker and is pretty easy and you feel totally accomplished afterwards! :)

tennille said...

Way to go Kelly!

jennsekona said...

wow, i'm super impressed! now too bad i'm not a big pie fan, but sipa likes apple pie so maybe one of these days I will get adventuresome too! Next I think you should take up sewing, you made pajama pants you could make cute little matching ones for Kenz and 1 of her dollys